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Welcome to FitMoney's Curriculum HomeBase! This is an in-class curriculum organized by grade level. All lessons align to financial literacy and math standards. Each grade has an aligned pre and post assessment available for teachers upon request to see growth and/or for grading purposes.


Please reach out at for more information or support.

Full Course Sequence:

What are each of these pieces?

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Grade 3

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Grade 1

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Grade 2

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Grade 4

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Grade 5

Financially Fit Junior Certificate (Grades 3-5)

This certificate program is completely virtual. This brief "course" is a series of 6 videos where students will learn about earning, growing, spending and borrowing money as well as taxes and the economy. Each video is followed by a few check for understanding questions. Once students are finished they can download their certificate directly from the site!


Contact us to request a teacher code and go here to learn more about and access this virtual certificate.

Junior Cert
(Ages 5-12)

This game-based learning platform inspires students to practice smart financial decision-making through a series of real-world activities. It makes a good solo extension activity in the classroom or as a financial literacy "center." It is also a good resource to pass along to families to continue the learning and engagement at home.


Note: Students will need a teacher's or caregiver's permission to access the entire program beyond the 7-day trial. For in school use, have students use your (the teacher's) email to grant access to the entire program.


Go here to learn more about and access the $uperSquad.


Pre- and post-assessments for each lesson sequence are available customized for your school or organization, please reach out to for the assessments.

Assessment (Elem)
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