Online Certificate
+ Badge Programs
Our newly revamped online certificate platform offers an interactive learning experience for students. The FinanciallyFit Certificate will equip you for various future plans from college to career. It is the perfect addition to a resume and LinkedIn to verify extensive financial knowledge and money preparedness.
Available for students in elementary and high school (English or Spanish), the program features 12 modules featuring key financial literacy concepts to empower all students towards their own financially fit future. This self-directed program covers loans, insurance, investing, credit and credit scores, analyzing paychecks, discovering how to pay taxes and how much to pay, payment types and apps, and much more.
Become a FitMoney Fellow!
Through college chapters, FitMoney Fellows recruits and rigorously trains college students to teach financial literacy workshops in local high schools.
Your financial journey goes beyond your own classroom, and even into the classrooms of others. Want to learn how you can become a part of our financially fit community?